Matt Vaughn / Portfolio

Chronicle Audiobook Player

My current big project. An audiobook client for self-hosted Plex media servers.

UI Gradients App

A little demo project I made, originally part of my "app a day" experiment. An Android client for UIGradients. Displays a list of all available gradients and allows the user to view/copy colors to the clipboard. Tech stack:

Iconstructor - Icon Pack Creator

This is an old app that I don't support anymore, but it's too cool not to show off. It provides a WYSIWYG front-end for designing icons and then outputs an icon pack as an installable .apk file.

There are now a few apps with this functionality, but it was the first one on the Play Store.

Some facts:

10 apps in 10 days

On a whim, I decided to try to make an app every day for a month. Every day I would come up with a unique app idea, design it, a build a new app, with the goal of exploring a new element of the Android SDK every day.

I was aiming to make a visually polished and useful app every day, but the amount of boilerplate I ended up having to write for each new project caused me to cancel the project after 10 days.

A few things I learned: